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Вступить: | 24 Mar 2009 |
Последние: | 12 Jul 2013 |
Bryan Crump Photography
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Bryan Crump Website
IS URL: http://istudio.com/bryancrump
IS #:413
О себе
Bryan Crump has been in the creative industry most of his life. Starting in 1999, Bryan began professionally body painting and doing makeup makeup. In 2001, he branched into the photography that you see today.
Currently in school for FILM Business and Production, so my schedule is pretty full. Available Weekends, Mondays and Fridays.
"My interests vary in subject matter. I love fashion, glamor, vintage, pinup, wildlife, landscapes, video, all sorts of things. Currently studying to be a director and producer. If you have a project you need creative consulting on, let me know. I can always come up with ideas."
"As you will see with my portfolio. My work is quite different from normal photography, because I like to incorporate my art and vivid colors. This means that sometimes it does take longer for pictures to be completed. "
If you wish to book Bryan Crump for a shoot for a commercial project, portfolio and head shots, etc. My base rate is $150/hr. I do make exceptions in special circumstances depending on the need and project. I can also quote by the project if you have something special in mind.
em***Any projects that are TFP or TFCD take longer than paid clients, because I do have to make a living. /em Paid Work takes priority. TFCD shoots are limited.
It is not unusual for TFP projects to take a month or two, especially during busy holidays. If we shoot TFP, do not get upset if the pictures take a bit, as long as you are patient and professional, you will receive images.
A photoshoot may consist of several hundred images and from those 20 may be selected. Sometimes on 3 or 4. I want the very best in my work and so do my clients.
I am often very busy and have many projects going on, so if you do not get an immediate response, please be patient.
Call 405-537-4478 to set up an appointment
Will travel with expenses paid.
"If you have a project that I am not available for booking and you need help finding a photographer to replace your needs, I know several people that I can refer you to across the nation as well. I am not afraid to refer jobs to my fellow photographers and artists."
Model Mayhem is an excellent source for networking with fellow creative people and finding talent. So we recommend it as one of the valuable resources on the internet. It is also a good place to promote your own work.
Bryan Crump has started making tutorials to help out beginning photographers and even established photographers with techniques to help when editing or correcting your photos or even just doing an interesting effect.
Here is a link to the first of many:
Photo Editing - Enhancing Detail and Depth
Currently in school for FILM Business and Production, so my schedule is pretty full. Available Weekends, Mondays and Fridays.
"My interests vary in subject matter. I love fashion, glamor, vintage, pinup, wildlife, landscapes, video, all sorts of things. Currently studying to be a director and producer. If you have a project you need creative consulting on, let me know. I can always come up with ideas."
"As you will see with my portfolio. My work is quite different from normal photography, because I like to incorporate my art and vivid colors. This means that sometimes it does take longer for pictures to be completed. "
If you wish to book Bryan Crump for a shoot for a commercial project, portfolio and head shots, etc. My base rate is $150/hr. I do make exceptions in special circumstances depending on the need and project. I can also quote by the project if you have something special in mind.
em***Any projects that are TFP or TFCD take longer than paid clients, because I do have to make a living. /em Paid Work takes priority. TFCD shoots are limited.
It is not unusual for TFP projects to take a month or two, especially during busy holidays. If we shoot TFP, do not get upset if the pictures take a bit, as long as you are patient and professional, you will receive images.
A photoshoot may consist of several hundred images and from those 20 may be selected. Sometimes on 3 or 4. I want the very best in my work and so do my clients.
I am often very busy and have many projects going on, so if you do not get an immediate response, please be patient.
Call 405-537-4478 to set up an appointment
Will travel with expenses paid.
"If you have a project that I am not available for booking and you need help finding a photographer to replace your needs, I know several people that I can refer you to across the nation as well. I am not afraid to refer jobs to my fellow photographers and artists."
Model Mayhem is an excellent source for networking with fellow creative people and finding talent. So we recommend it as one of the valuable resources on the internet. It is also a good place to promote your own work.
Bryan Crump has started making tutorials to help out beginning photographers and even established photographers with techniques to help when editing or correcting your photos or even just doing an interesting effect.
Here is a link to the first of many:
Photo Editing - Enhancing Detail and Depth
Ceramic Corsets by Nicole Moan | Model Mayhem # 764882 | http://www.NICOLEMOAN.com
( Nicole Moan does some Beautiful work and is trying to build up her contacts and network as am I, with fellow creative individuals, models, etc. )

Body Painted both Andrea Bogart and Sasha Williams as Wolf Vixens for part of the movie.

Cover and 3 page feature with my work.
Question: Where did you learn what you know?
Answer: I have both, self taught myself as an artist and gone to school. With my photography I learned by trial and error. In 2004, I was lucky to be accepted into a fast track program in 3D Animation and Video Post Production in the MMDC Program at Northern Oklahoma College. The same folks that run Digital-Tutors.com were my teachers and I highly recommend them. It was a 40 Hour course in just 16 weeks. We covered a lot of areas with design and production. I use some of the techniques in building maps for 3d models in editing my photos actually to bring out depth and vividness.
Distinctly Oklahoma Magazine http://www.distinctlyoklahoma.com/

Nicole Moan's Ceramic Corset Designs http://www.nicolemoan.com

Events coming up:
( Nicole Moan does some Beautiful work and is trying to build up her contacts and network as am I, with fellow creative individuals, models, etc. )

Body Painted both Andrea Bogart and Sasha Williams as Wolf Vixens for part of the movie.

Cover and 3 page feature with my work.
Question: Where did you learn what you know?
Answer: I have both, self taught myself as an artist and gone to school. With my photography I learned by trial and error. In 2004, I was lucky to be accepted into a fast track program in 3D Animation and Video Post Production in the MMDC Program at Northern Oklahoma College. The same folks that run Digital-Tutors.com were my teachers and I highly recommend them. It was a 40 Hour course in just 16 weeks. We covered a lot of areas with design and production. I use some of the techniques in building maps for 3d models in editing my photos actually to bring out depth and vividness.
Distinctly Oklahoma Magazine http://www.distinctlyoklahoma.com/

Nicole Moan's Ceramic Corset Designs http://www.nicolemoan.com

Events coming up:
10 Sep 11 00:49
Thank you for the friend request. Lovely portfolio!
Thank you for the friend request. Lovely portfolio!