garrett payne
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Вес:163 lbs
Размер обуви:11
Цвет волос:Блондин(ка)
Длинна волос:Средней длины
Цвет глаз:голубые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Нет опыта
Вступить:4 Jan 2010
Последние:26 Oct 2018

Stormy Weathers - Boudoir Glamour Nude

О себе

Just checkin' this site out. Friends have always said I look good in pictures. . . I don't believe it. whatever.

I'm into sports, mostly skating, so that keeps me in pretty good shape. I love hangin out by the beach. That's my escape is just being on the sand. I'm definitely not a pretty-boy kinda dude. I toss on a tshirt and some jeans and I'm good.

All of my photos have been taken by my girlfriend who is a photog major in college. She uses me as a test dummy all the time. I think she's awesome at it!

Like I said, I'm just checkin this place out cause people always say I look good in pictures. I don't have any experience yet. I just wanna see if this is somethin i have a shot at or could make anything out of it




28 Mar 12 21:28
Hello how are you? Im a web Designer and im trying to build up my portfolio for model websites. If you want me to design you a free site just send me a message or email me at to talk further thanks!
07 Sep 10 19:26
Great look! Mihaela
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