О себе

I'm 19 years old. I've been studying art and music for the last 6 years in a small hippie-founded town in Kansas. I began modeling when I was 16 years old for my friends studying art at University. Over the years I've developed my image. I've spent the last two years studying, modeling, and traveling. I have shot all over America, using websites like Instagram and Model Mayhem to meet artists I want to collaborate with. I'm inspired by photography, and the scenes that can be created during a collaboration. Let's meet up and make some art!


01 Dec 20 23:39
Nice Work!! Would love to create with you!! You can see more of my work here and at www.istudio.com/34443/photos Contact me here or better email oakcin2run@gmail.com
20 Aug 16 13:44
I’m available for TFCD and free collaborations with qualified aspiring & working Models like you, and Nikonians Pro Colleagues Photographers & Videographer from in/out NY State and Manhattan and five borough of New York City.
08 Jun 16 18:15
Great Work !
07 Jun 16 12:08
Very interesting port!
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