Arnel Buenaobra
 Смотреть фотографии (7)

Вступить:16 Nov 2012
Последние:8 Aug 2013

О себе

At first, I was really not that interested in photography. I just wanted to own a better camera that I could use to take my own photos or my friends' or the places that I go to but when I joined a photography group here in South Korea it is only then that I found out that photography isn't just a simple hobby but it's really more than that. From then on, I just found myself really sinked in to this photography thing and I'm loving it because it brings me challenge to take better photos and I love it when people likes the photos that I've taken. As a newbie photographer I know and I am willing to learn more to improve my skills so that I could retain not just memories but beauty as well through my photography.