Lee Anderson - Water Steps
 Смотреть фотографии (5)

Вступить:16 May 2012
Последние:23 Jul 2012

О себе

I am a traveling Photographer. I am about to embark on a trip to Europe and expect to be gone for 6 to 12 months. I will say that if you visit my web site, I apologize. I am in the process of building a new one. Just feel free to keep checking back. When the new website is up, you can track where I am and see when I am in your area. If you need photo's faster, CALL. My website always has up to date contact information and I do prefer phone calls or txt.

My belief:
There is beauty all around us every day and we miss it in our fast paced world.

I do my TFP different than most. After the shoot, I download all photo's and we review them all. When we part ways that day, you will have an SD card with a copy of the shoot. Any prints you want can be ordered from me up to a month (or longer if arranged that day) later at a vary low discounted price. (discount varies on sizes)

5-8x10 normal price $100
For TFP Model within the allotted time

Other rules and regulations do apply however they are minor.
(minimum order, payment arrangements, delivery arrangements)

Contact info: (I do prefer calls or txt for faster responses)
Lee Anderson
or right here!


Let my photos be the credit to me and you be the judge.