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Вес:100 lbs
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Средней длины
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:25 Sep 2010
Последние:17 Dec 2015

О себе

*~*~* Hey Y'all...WELCOME TO MY LITTLE SPOT*~*~*

Hi All!

Let me just tell you a little bit about me and how I work -

1. I WILL NOT shoot nudes. I don't care that you see a few implieds in my port. Thats not your business.

2. I usually don't bring an escort to a shoot. If I feel the need to, I will kick your pervy ass myself and leave. BUT if I want to bring an escort, I will. If you don't like it, there is no sense in even writing to me.

3. Modeling is NOT my life. It is something that I love, something that is fun for me and something that I am good at. I have a full time job and son that come first.

4. I WILL NOT shoot with you if you don't retouch at least a little. I'm sorry, I'm human...all my pictures will not come out looking perfect. So a little touch up is appreciated!

5. I expect my pictures to get back to me within a reasonable amount of time. I'm not saying a few days or even a few weeks. But I do expect to at least get some kind of feedback within a month. I don't think thats asking too much.

6. I am LOUD. Very very loud!

7. I am very detail oriented.

8. I AM excepting some TF work at the present, because i am trying to get my port updated and I have some odeas of my own that I want to try out too. BUT that doesn't mean that I'm going to take every TF shoot that comes my way. Money talks for sure, so Paid shoots will always take precedence over TF shoots - UNLESS i totally love your work.

9. I hope that my honesty doesn't turn people off towards me, but if it does, then we weren't meant to work together anyways!!!

** I am a very fun, bubbly, outgoing person. I laugh alot and I have lots and lots of ideas crammed inside this little head of mine and they're all just itching to get out! I'm so happy to be shooting again and cannot wait to work with some more amazing photographers - AND hopefully work with some of my faves again!!

*Please include all information about shoot in your first email!


Jeff #179745

Aimee #263526

Joey #11835

Artistic Visions


Jerry Dillard

Wade Page



27 Sep 10 17:39
Hi Cortney! Welcome to iStudio. :@) PIETRO
27 Sep 10 02:27
Welcome to iStudio. Wish you lived closer so we could shoot.
25 Sep 10 08:44
Hi Cortney, welcome to iStudio...Great work Girl!!
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