Meagan Dare - Jack Heniford Photos 3-12
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Вес:50 lbs
Параметры:64-64-64 in
Цвет волос:Рыжый(ая)
Длинна волос:Средней длины
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:20 Mar 2012
Последние:12 Apr 2012

О себе
*"Like" while your at it ; )**

Meagan Dare Dover.
20 years young.
I am a single mother.
I have been modeling since 2007 and it has became my addiction.
Modeling is my desire, i love it!
I am ready to experience my dream and take further action into a better future in this industry.
This is something I absolutely love doing & I will put all my time and effort into a shoot to make it look my best.
I am starting to do Paid Assignments as they come but i will still do Trade For, that is not an issue because I need to update my port very soon and quick.
I also would like to get started in Music Video's or Acting Roles so if you have anything available shoot me an email and i would be glad to make something work!

I am really excited about meeting new photographer's in my area as well as in other states. I am available to travel on the weekends I don't have my children which is every other weekend. If all expenses are paid, i do not mind and would love to make something happen.

I will work with different models as well, guys and girls so if you have any ideas just send me an email and we can get something together.

I ALWAYS bring an escort with me, whomever will never be in the way of the photographer nor myself, will be just my shadow = )

I am always open to new ideas & trying new things!

Thanks for your interest and much love to you all!


Shoots I would like to do

*Halloween outfits
*Military style
*"It's a southern thang" - Fourwheeler, Mudding, Mud fight, dressed in camo and blue jeans -
*Bridal / Formal prom
****Pin Ups - [Old style military would be awesome]
*Sports- "With my Dallas Jersey & Bikini bottoms"


24 Jun 12 16:01
Welcome to iStudio
28 Mar 12 14:18
Hello how are you? Im a web Designer and im trying to build up my portfolio for model websites. If you want me to design you a free site just send me a message or email me at to talk further thanks!
25 Mar 12 18:27
Great port, lovely look. Keep it up xx
20 Mar 12 17:05
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