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Вес:154 lbs
Параметры:35-31-38 in
Размер обуви:10.5
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Короткие
Цвет глаз:светло-карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Оливковая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:20 Sep 2013
Последние:5 Mar 2014

О себе

Hi im Gazail, 'DETROIT TOP MODEL' (Winner of Season 4) & 'MEGA MODEL'. Gazail, which means creativity, ambition, determination, & extreme. When i do business all of those are in actions which makes me Gazail. Im from Detroit, Mi, a beautiful urban legendary city, I have encountered many challenges growing up including gang violence, jail, guns, & the worst of all cancer. I walk the runways now at the age 21 proud with my head up, im a changed man & also cancer free. So i have strong confidence in myself & my emotion is in everything i do 100%. Modeling & Acting isn't something i just do for fun, this is my lifestyle. This is how i express myself, this is how i found myself, GAZAIL.!