Jay Clapp Photography - model Portrait
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Вступить:6 Dec 2011
Последние:29 Apr 2012

О себе

Special rates for istudio users!!
Times are hard for all so to help you ive come up with a major price cut!
If you come to me and shoot at my indoor shooting location i use then i will drop my prices to £45 per person per shoot that includes my retouch time!
if you want me to come to you it will be that price plus the cost of transport to your location.
Overnight shoots are available but accomodation costs are covered by you

the location i use is a nightclub which gives me plenty of space to work in with a good atmosphere
the shoots are always closed sets with myself a makeup artist and sometimes my assistant although other industry professionals may be used when needed and im happy to work with them too.
Being a closed set gives the opportunity for plenty of space to change in plus the ability to do nude work in private
food and drinks are available from the attatched pub at reasonable rates for longer shoots

What you will get from me?
People who work with me soon realise i am an organised punctual creative photographer who likes to work with the model to get what is needed in a very laid back manner
im comfortable in a number of styles and the ones i dont have a lot of experience in im happy to try
because i want you to walk away happy with the day shoot i do allow you to view the back of the camera and help to direct the shoot.
the only time this differs is if there is somebody with a dedicated directorial role involved in the shoot to call the shots

So if your interested and want to know more drop me a line i reply to all messages
What you wont get from me is a photographer who will force you to do stuff you dont want to do ive heard the horror stories of photographers talking the models into stuff and thats just not me
i also wont put you through the sausage mill by placing you in poses that have been used 100 times before by the photographer the shoot is about you not me so ill work with what we have.
Nor will i have you sitting in a circle in a wall its cliche and ive seen it on hundreds of pictures and while it may have been good in the 70s now it just shows a lack of creativity by the photographer in my opinion