reon wangzai - retro
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Цвет глаз:черные
Национальность :Азиатская
Вступить:14 Sep 2011
Последние:24 Mar 2018

О себе

I am an illustrator, and a part time model.
Hoping to broaden my network.
illustration is part of me, in my understanding of art and beauty. There is a quote i would like to share,

Beauty is an art of appreciation
Appreciation is a form of understanding
Understanding came from knowledge, Thus,
Enrich yourself with the essence of art.

Pls visit for more of my work
Have a great time


28 Mar 12 19:49
Hello how are you? Im a web Designer and im trying to build up my portfolio for model websites. If you want me to design you a free site just send me a message or email me at to talk further thanks!
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