Jon Swift - Shoes & stockings
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Вступить:24 Feb 2011
Последние:21 Sep 2012

О себе

I have not been active on this site for a couple of years now and after receiving a friend request out of the blue I thought I'd give the site another go.

The images on this site are a few years old now so it it best to visit my website for examples of where I am at the moment in respect to quality and style.

I work from a large commercial studio in the Digbeth area of Birmingham but am also happy to shoot on locations, my wife regularly assists me on shoots and is also training to be a make up artist so is a dab hand with a make up brush if required.

Sorry this is all a little vague at the moment but time is money! I'll try and add more content as soon as I can.


This is quite a big list now so i'll start updating it as soon as I can.