 Смотреть фотографии (11)

Вступить:2 Oct 2013
Последние:29 Jan 2014

О себе

Although it says artist/painter in the profile, I am an artist but not a painter. I am a photographer and a sculptor. I have been a professional photographer for 20 years or so. I have been awarded with Kodak camera dór and european gold award nomination for excellence in portrait photography. I have done all sorts of editorial and commercial assignments.
Now I mainly do art photography, model and portrait photography.

Beside shooting photos I am a sculptor of realistic figures and for that purpose I also seek models. I have 3 different ways of sculpting with models.
1. the model sits live while I sculpt in clay.
2. I take for each pose pictures of the model in 360 degrees to cover every angle of the pose. This concludes wide shots, close ups, overhead shots.
3. I make a life cast from the model. This means that the model is wrapped in plaster bandages and/or alginate gel and has to maintain the pose until the mould is hardened en ready to come off.

It is also possible to work with all three or two of these methods, depending on the difficulty and the scale of the statue to be made.

I welcome models both for my photography as well as my sculpting.
I take assignments in portrait and model photography as well as portrait sculpting.
As you can tell from my gallery I have a preference for non white models.
If a model needs photos to upgrade her portfolio and that model fits my type for sculpting model, maybe we can work something out. Feel free to contact me.

