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Вес:124 lbs
Параметры:34-27-38 in
Размер обуви:7
Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Темная
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Вступить:5 Oct 2010
Последние:10 Oct 2010

Admin - iStudio Admin

О себе

I am an aspiring actress and model. I am also a college student majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I've done a lot of extra/background work but I am striving to go beyond that. I have also been a part of 2 flash mobs and I've been in a featured film. As far as modeling, it is a hobby. I have been doing many fashion shows since the age of 12. Now that I am older, I am too short for high fashion runway. Therefore, as I mentioned, it has become a hobby, and I take what I can get .However, it is something that I still LOVE to do and I also absolutely love taking pictures... We are all here on a particular path


04 Feb 15 09:57
I think you have a very pretty look and i would love to work with you one day on a photoshoot hit me up if interested
27 Feb 14 17:56
Female models for a photo shoot. Shoot March 17, 2014. Will cost $150. Hampton Inn & Suites, Poughkeepsie, NY. 10-15 looks. Between 11am – 4pm. contact me at:; subject: Photographer looking for Model.
06 Oct 10 18:25
Just visiting your page to say hi and welcome. Please let me know if you're ever in need of professional photo retouching
06 Oct 10 09:15
Hello and welcome to istudio!
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