Noemy Babyface - Autumn 2010
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Вес:110 lbs
Параметры:90-90-64 in
Цвет волос:Блондин(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Вступить:26 Jun 2010
Последние:14 Apr 2011

О себе

Hey, I'm Noemi. I love to take pictures. I want to become a professional model. I also love to dance. I was started modeling 5 years ago, and I very love it.
I hope you like my pictures.



11 Apr 11 12:00
As noted on one of your photos you have the capacity to go far in this business but use it before you turn 25 or its gone! Love your look and your Barbi butt..! Very nicely put together.
10 Apr 11 02:13
Beautiful work here, Noemy! Keep it coming!
08 Apr 11 05:05
Welcome to iStudio and your portfolio is excellent!
18 Jul 10 08:00
Welcome to the Studio darling.
27 Jun 10 00:06
Welcome to istudio. Wish you were closer so we could shoot.
26 Jun 10 19:19
Just stopping by your page to say hi! Please let me know if I can ever be of any assistance with retouching any of your photos.
26 Jun 10 13:01
Hello and welcome to istudio!
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