О себе

My passion is to capture and share the sensual beauty of the femele form.The femele nude is for me,nature s finest gift.I m so moved by this aesthetic that i try to translate what i feel into still images.I have very special feelings for my models and they for me,a recipe of trust,understanding,humour friendship allows my models and i to relax,to relax in such a way that my camera becames simply a tool for capturing the moments we share.
For the most part i photograph women because the aestetic form of the femele body inspires me, so i let my mind go free.
In my opinion erotic is not only nakedness,it s much more for me the femele nude is the most compelling and provocative perhaps nature s finest form.
In my photographs i try to capture the beauty of humanity
just as the ancient Greek sculptors attempted to breathe life into stone.

I really appreciate your taking the time to view my work