Chelsea Grin - Guitar
 Смотреть фотографии (13)

 Параметры в(фунт/дм.)
 Параметры в(кг/см.)
Вес:125 lbs
Параметры:10-10-10 in
Размер обуви:6.5
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Очень длинные
Цвет глаз:зеленые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Нет опыта
Вступить:26 Aug 2009
Последние:30 Apr 2010

О себе

A few quick things that I enjoy:
1.Taking photographs.
2.Modeling in various different styles.
3.Designing and customizing clothes that I can wear.
4.Drawing, Painting, Charcoal, Watercolor.
5.Nature and posing within it.
6.Editing photographs.

I know currently I do not have very many good modeling pictures.
I need to one who is able to get the views and angles that I am striving for.
I am looking so come back for more later.

~Chelsea Grin


Photographs so far are tookin by me [Chelsea W.] and later someone else.
I'll credit them later on when this happens.


06 Dec 09 11:46
lol thanks for the comment. Yes, over 80% of all images you see in the industry are retouched in some way. :)
26 Aug 09 21:11
Welcome here! Nice port!
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