Kayla Ann Wallace
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Вес:105 lbs
Цвет волос:Блондин(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:голубые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Вступить:2 Jan 2011
Последние:2 Jan 2011

Mick Gleissner - Mermaid Mania

О себе

Photographer? Interested In Shooting? You Can Also Find My Work and Contact Me On My Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000675349101

Im an independent model interested in further building my portfolio, with passionate and serious local photographers. As well as out of state photographers, I plan to be in California, Arizona, and Vegas area in Mid-August and Im currently booking for TFP/TFCD Shoots. Im looking for classy, tasteful, good images as i have many castings and events coming up, that will require high quality images! Im recently new to the business of modeling, but Im positive in that I will be able to give a photographer what they want out of a photograph. Im looking for Photographers who will push me to do my best and work hard at what they do as well as teaching and helping me further myself. Shoots perferably to be TFP/TFCD Shoots. Im currently working on expanding my client base with photographers so if your interested please message me and we will set something up. But im very interested in shooting with you. If your interested please let me know so we can collaborate and set-up something.
Thank You,
Kayla Ann


Seattle Remix Competition Model/ Top Model 2010
Washington Forum Fest 2010
Washington Summer-Slam Car Show 2010
Kube 93.3 Summer Jam Runway/Designer Model 2010
Senior Portraits Model Velvet Blue Photography 2008-2009
Lifetime Movies
Bigfoot Entertainment
Fast Track Entertainment


04 Jan 11 09:44
Hi and Welcome Kayla! :O) Pietro
03 Jan 11 02:03
Welcome to iStudio.
03 Jan 11 01:18
Hi Kayla and welcome to iStudio. You have some nice images in your port, and I look forward to seeing it develop. Jeff......
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