fath gnawa
 Смотреть фотографии (7)

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Вес:179 lbs
Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Короткие
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Средневосточная
цвет кожи:[[missing key: skinColor.N/A]]
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:25 Jan 2011
Последние:19 Jul 2013

Admin - iStudio Admin

О себе

Modeling is something I have enjoyed seeing and watching and fell into last summer. Ever since then it has kind of blossomed into something more. I am definitely taking it more seriously as I am joining Model Mayhem. I have had many friends join and have found it to be a great forum to meet, network, and grow! I love to do more serious shoots with more high fashion in mind.

Shoot me a message, give me some details and what you have in mind. Rates are low, and depending on the shoot it may not cost a thing! Building portfolios are important to me, and I would love to help any photographers build theirs as well.

