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Вес:110 lbs
Размер обуви:7
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:По плечи
Цвет глаз:карие
цвет кожи:Оливковая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:22 Apr 2010
Последние:6 Jul 2010

О себе

Modeling has always been a passion of mine. Love fashion and playing around with make up / hair, then putting together outfits for photo shoots. Would love to eventually travel to different places to model. I also love meeting new people and look forward to working with a variety of photographers, along other models!

Willing to shoot TF with photographers of mixed experience, outdoor locations or studio. All I ask is for images to add to my portfolio.

I am interested in all looks from 1950's pin up to a modern business look and everything in between. Please don't ask for nudity, not interested in those looks, just the rest.


Photo Shoot:

Studio Portraits - 2009

Tracie Caldwell - Feb 4 2010

Randy White Photo - March 26 2010


22 Apr 10 13:33
Welcome to iStudio. Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures as you post them.
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