Zomm B
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Вес:110 lbs
Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Короткие
Цвет глаз:светло-карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:20 Feb 2011
Последние:1 Mar 2011

Admin - iStudio Admin

О себе

Thanks for stopping by!
I am willing to travel when possible. I do nudes, partial and clothed sets as well as erotic. My style is more on the punk/edgy side, I have tattoos and a few piercings. I can do my own makeup and hair. My personality shows in everything I do. I like to have fun and get dirty, especially in front of a camera. I am also a cam model. I will do selective TF except with nudes/erotics, I require compensation for these. If you would like to contact me msg me here.

To see more, I can be found on facebook- Zomm B. Trash,
and myspace.com/Kunt_Trashula
Thanks for checkin' me out 0

Trash xoxo



21 Feb 11 00:43
Welcome to iStudio.
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