Elise Hanson
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 Параметры в(фунт/дм.)
 Параметры в(кг/см.)
Вес:106 lbs
Размер обуви:6.5
Цвет волос:Рыжый(ая)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:голубые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:18 Nov 2009
Последние:15 Dec 2011

О себе

I am an actress/model based in Salt Lake City Utah. I have a lot of acting experience but not so much modeling, so I'm looking to work on that.

I love themed shots, something with a flair for the dramatic. (Hmmm, I wonder why?) And I love shooting with more than one person, though I like solo projects, too.

Contact me anytime! I don't have a schedule, let alone a busy one.



19 Nov 09 20:52
I use to go down there every weekend last Spring semester. But now I'm kinda limited due to my 71 Bug, classes and trying to get employed:( But I will be that way in January:)
18 Nov 09 21:36
Hey! Welcome:) I like your port! I'd like to work with you in the near future if you are up to it, let me know:) Fred-E
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