Tyler L
 Смотреть фотографии (11)

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Вес:175 lbs
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Короткие
Цвет глаз:светло-карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Опыт работы:большой опыт
Вступить:21 Dec 2010
Последние:6 Sep 2016

О себе

I have been modeling since 2004 and have done everything from fashion shows to group shoots; fashion shows being my favorite actually. I am calm and proffessional and of course expect much of the same with whoever I am working for. Being the the time ive been in the industry not really surching for any tfp at the moment but dont always rule it out. If your interested in working together shoot me an email of what you have in mind!



TFP shoot with photo by RJ MM#39123
online catalogue shoot for www.fivetone.com
TFP shoot with photo by RJ MM#39123
Runway show for Bynam & Bang CFW
Runway show for Custo Barcelona CFW
Runway show for Bynam & Bang CFW
Runway show for Nasaani CFW
Runway show for Custo Barcelona CFW
Test shoot for Glamour models.
Photo shoot with Pablo Vital MM# 217717
test shoot with anthony thalier
Men's underwear runway show for CFW(fall)
2 months in Milan Italy modeling for major model management
Camel No. 9 promotional party
editorial shoot moda fashion gazette magazine
Promotion for HBO new series "John from Cincinnati"
Pivot Point international, text book.
Stock photo shoot for Anderson Artwork
Fashion show for Custo Barcelona in LUX5 chicago
ad campaign for Alhambra Palace Restaurant
Sexiest man alive calendar
Ad campaign for Drain doctors
cover shoot for zoom magazine
test shoot with george rodriguez

*CFW = chicago fashion week

"The Order". Pilot- played Andre.
Commercial series for drain doctors


22 Dec 10 23:52
Welcome! Please feel free to take advantage of my Holiday Retouch Special. More info can be viewed on my profile! Thanks :)
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