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Вес:125 lbs
Размер обуви:8
Цвет волос:Рыжый(ая)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:голубые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:19 May 2010
Последние:16 Feb 2014

О себе

Subtlety is lost on me. If you would like to work with me please send me a message. Tags, comments & lists aren't taken seriously.

I'm a straight forward, no bullshit, no drama kinda girl. I try to keep shoots enjoyable for both of us. I model cause I enjoy it and the day I stop enjoying what I do then I'll move on to something else inspiring. But I can't foresee that happening anytime soon.

When Messaging Me...
Please include some information pertaining to the shoot you have in mind.
Concept, approximate time frame, location ideas, and... compensation.
Even if the ideas are still in rough form it's nice to have some idea of your vision.

A bit about me
My hair changes constantly. Right now... It's orange/red. Since my real life takes precedence over my part time model life, I'm likely to change my hair on a whim. So if you care please mention that at some point in our correspondence. My day to day life involves chasing my 2 year old son around, so it is possible that I may have scrapes or bruises you'll have to photoshop out. I try my best to avoid marks before shoots but occasionally it happens. If it's imperative not to have marks I need to know so minimum 2 weeks before our shoot date so I can bubble wrap myself head to toe...

Do you TF*?
Collaborations are possible but Free work is not. Savvy? I certainly hope so, since you likely have the same stance as me. The people I'm looking to collaborate with are people who are producing quality images, similar if not better than the ones currently in my portfolio. I'm aiming for more published work and hopefully to get my work seen in galleries as well.

Don't want to have any obligations for prints/images/etc? Don't want the pictures on the internet (some exceptions)? Want me to model for you but you're still learning? No problem! Pay me. I love working with newer photographers and I have no objections to working with workshops! Just talk to me and we'll figure it out.

I can do my hair/makeup but love stylists very very much. I'm always looking for hair/makeup/designers who want to collaborate! And I encourage photographers to hire some of the local talent, particularly if you want a specific look. Feel free to ask me for (local) suggestions.

I accept all friend requests cause I really just don't care.
Really I just don't have time to micro manage that comment/tag/fav me thing.


Vancouver - June 10-15th - dates flexible. NOW BOOKING.

Montreal - Postponed.

LA again - saving for... plane tickets welcome.

Message me asap to let me know your interest!

Stalk Me:


Published in Secret Magazine Issue #33
Published in The Naked and the Lens: A Guide to Nude Photography by Louis Benjamin

People I've worked with:

Opposite Octave MM#80750 **
Kirsten Hofbauer MM# 377699
Mac Swift MM#201704 **
Phi Photography MM#24755 **
Jeremy Adshade MM# 330377 **
Pictor MM# 46945 **
S-U-B-L-I-M-E MM# 546506 **
Perry Gallagher MM# 5094
Michael Helms MM# 12886
Rennee Jacobs MM# 162676
Visions of Excess MM# 152
Dan Lippitt MM# 344126
Eikona MM# 66883
Diana Price MM# 716426
Chrsitopher O'Grady MM# 378395
Sikorskyi Chiaroscurist MM# 358886
Simon A Gerzina MM# 24278
iHartPhotos MM# 238394 **
sgordon MM# 16811
Avicdar MM #13543
George Noh Shoot MM# 147146
Performing Arts Photography
Demeter Photography MM# 240258**
Aperture Photographics MM# 309
Gemstone Images MM# 90127
G spot Flashmaster MM#326820
Tim Summa MM#178357
Marcus Evans MM#30045
Fred Herzog

** = 3 or more times.

Kasandra Klein MM# 637434
Trever McWilson MM# 551667
Soot and Stars MM# 149590

Lixy MM# 102590
Existenz MM# 247987
Nicole Mortenson MM# 377014
Evil Santa

Wardrobe Stylists
Katie Jean Payne MM# 564765

Alberta Fashion Week.
Shoot for Cameo Intimates.
Demonika's XXXmas Spectacular.
Promo Model at the Taboo Sex Show.
Fringe Festivals Media Launch.
(Tear in the Calgary Sun)
Fringe Festival Feature on The Breakfast Show on City TV.
Fringe Festival Feature used on City TV commercial.
Fringe Festivals Asia Night.
Demonika's Symphony of Horrors.
(Tear in Absolute Underground Magazine)


10 Apr 14 16:11
Fantastic port!
31 May 13 15:12
Love you port and would love to work with you aenux :)
15 Jul 10 22:02
So I was looking at your profilio and thought you were a photographers because at the different images. Wow, I am amazed I could not believe those were all you. i love the hair changes btw.
01 Jun 10 22:38
Love your work!
24 May 10 09:39
Beautiful Port...I am Impressed
22 May 10 02:10
Nice Work!
19 May 10 20:05
Welcome, I find you interesting... and beautiful. ;-) I mean, Interesting to shoot. And I like what you have to say.
19 May 10 19:13
Nice port. Welcome to istudio.
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