Benjamin Balisky
 Смотреть фотографии (30)

Вступить:14 Jan 2013
Последние:4 Mar 2021

О себе

My passion lies absolutely in photojournalism. I would love to one day photograph wars. There is nothing more beautiful than the deepest expression of the human soul.

I photograph weddings.

I'm 25 years old.

The kind of model I enjoy working with is someone who KNOWS they are taking this places. This is their job and they are trying to make it professionally. They understand their limitations, flaws, perks, and know how stubborn and competitive this industry is. There are some unnaturally beautiful people out there that just get signed so fast.. for the rest of you, it means you really have to work.

I can help people just starting out and point them in the right directions. I like to work with you and talk about areas that need improvement in poses, makeup, hair color, hair design, background, mascara density, clothing, and much much more. If this is something you are working towards completely and not just doing it for fun, we can really help each other.

I've studied glamour posing, regular posing, reading body language, other people's photographs, my own photographs etc etc.

I love giving someone advice, watch them take it, practice it, bring it too sets, on locations, or other shoots with more advanced photographers and just nail it. I respect the work you put into that advice to improve.

For me modeling pays for itself. If this is what you want to do, everything you study and work at should benefit it from the moment you wake up: I'm talking exercise, research of poses, practicing poses, more exercise, a sport, understanding cultures, societies, expressions... all these things will make you an outstanding model. It really is a job. You have to put in 40 hrs a week to compete well.

Obviously, not everyone is going to be that serious about it. And honestly I don't always have info to offer people. Some models I met, their experience is already there.

If you've done the modeling thing before and are just here to make art and stuff that's cool.

You can get a great deal out of me by just doing TFP. I work with both males and females.
If you want to work with me, shoot me an email and let me know! We can schedule a date to get together.
I do paid work for weddings and family portraits.

I usually read posts on female model websites that say "I'm am not here to date.." etc etc. I UNDERSTAND that. I will never ever ask you anything like that ever. If you feel like I am acting too friendly it's because that's the kind of person I am. Please don't make me have to clam up and act all official because you're too sensitive. I do carry very good relationships with my models and most continue to be my friends afterwards. I also refer my favorites to other photographers.

There was a time when I had a model fresh into the biz come down for a friendly TFP shoot. She stuck it out for a few minutes before she decided she didn't like the makeup and then left (there was a makeup artist). Needless to say, it was very hurtful to the MUA and disrespectful to me. Please learn to take other people's feelings into account if you are doing a TFP shoot. People are LEARNING. Be direct, but communicate. In modeling you will be asked to wear outfits or have makeup you won't like.. so why she just didn't use it as experience is beyond me.

A.) If you're going to pull that stuff, please, I politely ask, don't set anything up with me. I am all about communication. If you don't like something, we can work it out later. B.) Modeling is all about adjustment, innovation, and perhaps doing something you may not think you look good in! You need to try different things or you'll never know. C.) Just a friendly tip, if you are not willing to work with people (especially nice people) then you will not get far. Word will get around that a certain model abandoned a shoot. It's absolutely NOT a threat. I would never do that. It is just what happens. Please understand that.

I don't mean to sound militaristic. But, I hope you understand where I'm coming from. If you have a different point of view and want to explain it to me that would be fine.


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