реквизиты | |
Рост: | 5'7" |
Цвет волос: | Блондин(ка) |
Длинна волос: | Длинные |
Цвет глаз: | карие |
Национальность : | Кавказский |
цвет кожи: | Загорелая |
Опыт работы: | большой опыт |
Компенсация: | только за оплату |
Информация | |
Вступить: | 21 Dec 2012 |
Последние: | 22 Dec 2012 |
Sarah Willman
124 года
Dickinson, North Dakota
Currently in Dickinson ND
Sarah Willman
IS URL: http://istudio.com/willmansarah
IS #:1145853
О себе
This is not a dating website..im here for professional reasons and thats it. I Only do paid work because when i travel i want it to be worth the time im away from my family . I will Not do nude. Everything i do my family so it has to be within taste.

Everyday is a fashion show and the world is mii runway!!!!I have done ALot of modeling between north dakota and New york.!!I have a pretty open mind, Im a total scene BARBIE,I love anything with fashion and anything glamourous! Im the girl you only dream about. I am allergic to all Sports and being outdoors makes me wanna throw up. I live in this fantasy world. iv lived in alota places,I'm ALL Ganguro..I say the word" LIKE " alot, I change my mind ALOT, i have full custudy of my 2 kids that are the best blessings ever! Im a shopaholic,I want to save the world someday and fashion design,full of Spice,i am never in the same place for more then a minute,i seek attention ,unpredictable,a high achiever,irreplaceable and when you meet me it will be the best day of your life. My msn is misswillman@Hotmail.com" cuz i love everyone, im inlove with New York and i hate talking on the phone id rather text. oh AND i dont care what you think of me, Ill make your head spin, im a firecracker, And i am the future miss vanna white and i want to be the girl who pops out of your birthday cake!! I also love to sleep, dont judge me Who I'd like to meet:everyone and anyone and their dog! I just wanna dress up like a clown in timesquare and hand out balloons and roses to everyone i see and make everyone smile! I hate talking on the phone, id rather text cuz its less awkward...My highness of happyness...I LOVE♥♥♥~~~~The Smell of NYC timesquare♥ FAshion Parties♥masquerade parties, mY 2 KIDS (NOT GOING TO PUT THEIR NAMES ON HERE FOR PRIVACY REASONS)♥ ♥Roses ♥ meeting people♥ beijo bags♥ DRESS-UP♥ New York Nite life♥ glamour Pageants♥ Raquel Reed♥ New york couture♥ gold♥Money♥ Manhattan♥ Bleach♥ My flat Iron♥ Barbies♥ Donatella versace♥ Old victorian hunted castles♥ ♥Dior♥ big sun-glasses♥ carnivals♥ Dreaming♥ fairy-tales♥ The circus♥ Casinos♥ sushi♥~ Elephants♥ Clubs and Bars♥ tanning salons♥ Pearls♥ diamonds♥ cotton candy♥ Chanel♥ Ribbons♥ diet pepsi♥ Juicy Couture♥ Victoria Gotti♥ FUR♥ Brooklyn♥ Lancôme Paris♥ Hot summers♥ Lancôme Paris♥the Rain♥ Jesus♥ the Ocean♥ My boston terrier RoseMary♥ Horses♥ plastic surgery♥ glitter♥~ shopping♥ Hong Kong♥ Rollerskating♥ cities♥ lamborghini's♥ rainbows♥ Lions♥ classic Thrift stores♥ Antiques♥ The Fragrance Poême by Lancôme Paris♥ chrysler 300s, my parents♥ My family♥ teacup pugs♥ Colored hair♥ Organza by Givenchy♥ The Runway♥ Being Saturdated in modern fashion♥ Mannequin Modeling♥ Model Diandra Forrest and Raquel Reed are my favs!
I have a huge fashion Background,, I do have my managers in cosmetology and was a hairstylist for Regis Corp in the past. I also was a Lancome counter manager makeup artist for 3 years as well.
I love Modeling have been doing it for a long time now.. Have had ALOT of experience. I mostly do Paid work and am willing to Travel. If i dont get back to you on here email me on misswillman@yahoo.com . I have 2 amazing children named Bridget Victoria and Malachi Mark ! I still do alot of modeling and travel alot but, someday i would like to become a model scout and find new talent in this world. I Know Fashion!
Sign up at Sarah Willman modeling community Website personal contacts, websites and email is misswillman@yahoo.com
Sign up at www.sarahwilman.com modeling community Website
Im the main model for www.willmanfragrances.com
Click http://www.newfaces.com/?scout=sarahwillman
http://www.vizu.com/res/Grab-bag/Fashio … l?n=246337
http://postermodelsmagazineinc.com/2011 … /sarah9-3/
http://www.fixemagazine.com/search.php? … ah+willman
http://thefloridamodelingnetwork.ning.c … rahWillman
some of the People I have met up with~
1. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1703892
2. http://www.modelmayhem.com/Ladiormagazine
3. http://www.modelmayhem.com/artistseeksmodel
4. http://www.modelmayhem.com/fivedollartouchups
5. http://www.modelmayhem.com/mercurygraphics
6. http://www.modelmayhem.com/SW88
7. http://www.modelmayhem.com/shanwear88
8. http://www.modelmayhem.com/filmproducer
9. http://www.modelmayhem.com/brittjas
10. http://www.modelmayhem.com/306344
11. www.modelmayhem.com/1703892
12. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1994344
13. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1457488
14. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1560342
15. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2222565
16. http://www.modelmayhem.com/AnnamarieD1985
17. http://www.modelmayhem.com/kwynne
18. http://www.modelmayhem.com/826121
19. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1430359
20. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2181778
21. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1035844
22. Drity Diamond Magazine with darnell tutten http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/darnell- … 50810.html
23. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2444574
24. http://www.modelmayhem.com/657677
25. Brooke Shields
26. Sarah Jessica Parker
27. Lennie Kravitz
28. Kate winslet
29. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2496075
30. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1460905
31. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2711145
32. http://www.modelmayhem.com/1936687
33. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2412449
34. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2367280
35. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2738038
26. Arisai Armenta
27. www.jadestorm.com
28. http://store.jadestorm.com/products/chi … ffle-dress
29. https://lish.com/s/20ra/treatsandthreadssstore#_
30. http://la-mnm-mgmt.webplus.net/page19.html