О себе

I can say that i'm new in photography but i'm on my way "there"..! ;p

Rightnow i'm on the process of building my portfolio so i do want to work together with everyone (Photograpers, Models, MUAs), so please let me know if one of u are interested ;p


~One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photo out of focus are an experimentation, one hundred photo out of focus are a style~



06 Oct 11 13:47
Thank you for your friend request.
24 Mar 11 04:19
great photowork...love to see all your galery..salam kenal bos..glad to hear and received your ring once you have a project..
19 Jan 11 02:53
Hello..thanks for the add.. very nice portfolio here! love your pictures :) Cheers, Candice
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