Tom Gore
Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)
to see more of my work please go to
IS #:700403
About Me

a visit to Salvador's world
This picture is of Elizabeth Mary (Mayhem #356882), one of the many wonderful models I've worked with in the past. If you are an adventerous woman who likes the work I do and would like to do a shoot please drop me a line. I'm always pleased to work with someone new and interesting. I'm primarily interested in making creative environmental nudes though I do work in the studio some of the time. I'm happy to shoot work for your portfolio (portraits or fashion) if you'll help me with mine. A friend request means I'd love to work with you so please don't be shy . . .
After university I photographed golf for TV, resulted in a lifelong aversion to anything involving small white balls. I love women and buildings, however, so I became a commercial photographer specializing in fashion and architecture.
Since those halcyon days I've taught creative photography, photojournalism and scientific photography at the University of Victoria. Except in exceptional situations I no longer take on assignments, but instead concentrate on being a fine art photographer, a euphemism for making work but never selling any.
Italy and England, the landscape from the Arctic to the tropics, graffiti, the photograph as metaphor and the "fine art" nude in the landscape are areas of ongoing work, along with my Atget re-photographic project in Paris.
To see all my work at Model Mayhem you will have to "Toggle Worksafe Mode" to off. For biographic info see my listing in Who's Who in American Art and the Macmillan Biographical Encyclopedia of Photographic Artists and Innovators. Also please have a look at my website at and my Flickr stream at For the latter you'll need to log on and have "safe" search turned off.
Seattle June & August 2009
Istanbul Fall 2009
Seattle April & August 2010
Vancouver March, July & September 2010
Normandy September 2010
some women of Mayhem I've worked with:
Elizabeth Mary #356882
kNichole #799055
Rowen Bellamy #273717
Anat 1990 #1017150
Alison Margaret #896423
Svea Leigh #542721
Carolyn C. #702809
The Bay
Shell Oil
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Chicago Art Institute
Province of British Columbia
Government of Canada
Globe & Mail
Saturday Night
Camera Canada (portfolio)
Camera Mainichi (two portfolios)
Raddle Moon (two portfolios)
Shell Oil
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Chicago Art Institute
Province of British Columbia
Government of Canada
Globe & Mail
Saturday Night
Camera Canada (portfolio)
Camera Mainichi (two portfolios)
Raddle Moon (two portfolios)