About Me

Thanks for stopping by.... I wish to thank Model Mayhem for giving me the outlet to showcase my work.
I am a freelance photographer for the Venice Beach/ Los Angeles area, that also has a day job at a professional photo lab in Hollywood California. Though I consider myself more a ‘visual artist’ then just a photographer because of my traditional art background. Inspired by true beauty, and focused towards unique and fine art shooting. As I specialize in more of a Glamour, Beach shots, and nightlife events -- however I always welcome new endeavors and projects.
I'm interested in working with models, MUAs, and stylists who have the passion to make something creative and beautiful. Always looking for new models to photograph. Happy to do TFP/ TFCD shoots if the concept, model and location are interesting.
New projects I'd be interested in doing are more retro pin-up art, burlesque, playful cosplay, body paint, high fashion, urban locations, and a goth/ steampunk look. Maybe creating photos with a more edgy editorial style.
I like working with talented reliable creative people, who will not cancel at the very last minute. If you cannot make it for the photo shoot then please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. I see photography not only as a career, but also as a privilege that I've been allowed to share in capturing these moments. I like to keep the shoots fun yet professional, which allows my clients to feel very secure and comfortable.
When you shoot with me:
- I can usually turn photos around within a week. I select the best of what we shot and do all the editing, cropping, retouching, etc. myself. Then post them to a private gallery and will email you the password.
- If you want to arrange a public meeting before we shoot that is fine. A normal shoot that includes different looks and some shots on the beach, or other locations here in Venice takes around 3 hours. This also includes the 'get to know ya', and 'what are we going to shoot first' talk. Though each shoot take on a life of it's own, and I don't like to rush the creative moment by watching the clock.
- Let me know what you are looking for. Most models have some samples of looks that they want. email them to me ahead of time, that way I can plan the lighting or area to shoot.
- I normally do not watermark images when loading them to the private gallery, but would appreciate a photo credit, both online and offline when applicable.
- I do not have a regular makeup artist, or stylist. If you have someone in mind bring them along. (like I noted at the beginning I am interested in working with different MUAs and stylist)
- I do shoot RAW & sometimes with film, but do not give out my RAW files or negatives. To me the RAW file is like a digital negative, and the post process is an important part of the whole process like color correcting, cropping and touch ups.
- I normally throw in about 3 images that are touched up. If you need retouching done to any images let me know. I have been manipulating digital images for over 15 years now.