About Me
I have been a photographer for over 25 years...started off with fashion, and then when kids came along, decided to open a home studio and focus on maternity portraits. It has been successful and rewarding...I have met many fascinating people, shot many celebrities, and was featured on TV and major newspapers here and abroad. But I have always wanted to return to fashion one day. My oldest daughter is graduating high school and off to college, and I think it's a great time to get back to old dreams, and make them happen. I truly believe it's never too late...
I am looking to do what I do best; creating beautiful images with the help of talented and creative artists around me.
Always looking for great Hair, Make-up and Wardrobe stylists.
Currently seeking representation.

I am looking to do what I do best; creating beautiful images with the help of talented and creative artists around me.
Always looking for great Hair, Make-up and Wardrobe stylists.
Currently seeking representation.
28 May 13 22:38
Absolutely gorgeous portfolio.
Absolutely gorgeous portfolio.