Ty Xavier Weldon
39 years old
Atlanta, Georgia
IS #:686197
About Me

It is a new year and new faces. I am conducting many project this year, so my availability is not as open for Tf's. Unless I already have obligations with you that we agreed on. I am very reasonable with my rates and I am always willing to work something out.
I open my talents in creative directing, video production and directing, photography, graphic designs, modeling, make up artist, Photo shop Artist and more. I'm no amateur and I am extremely professional. Everything I do I have a great passion for.
I spend a numerous amount of time building concepts and I want to make sure the photos fits the creative and artistic expression. Before or on the shooting date I will have a Model release form to be read and signed. In addition, I am only looking for model that are willing to exert every effort the creative vision that I look for.
© All Images produced by Tyran Weldon are protected by copyright law. All photographs may not be used in any Media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. In addition the image may not be combined with other images, text and graphics, and cropped, altered or modified without prior written permission from the photographer.
"Slab of pine echoes its desire,
calling out names, daring anyone.
Mixing pristine prismatic paints,
aroma filling nostalgic nostrils
causing swirls of pictures to
sweep through neuron connections.
Delicate hands furiously fashion
fabulous fantasy of the mind.
Exiting mode of creative flow
beholding masterpiece formed by
sweet scent of ingenuity." - Cascading Sakura
Creativity is what I urge for.



Tea Sweet





# #88217

Chloe W


Shannon Cole

Mattie Logan
# 738748

# 892609

# 711000

" An awesome author and personnel. I did the cover for this novel. check out his website as well."

" Kontrol Magazine, an up and coming perfection. I photograph the first premier issues cover."