Elsie Hernandez
53 years old
New York, New York
Currently in Queens
IS #:465753
About Me
Hello my name is Elsie Hernandez and my passion for photography runs through my blood, it's who I am. Always working on new projects and reinventing myself. I have over 15 years of direct experience in photographing, upcoming models, singers, celebrities in the media, my own calendars, children, families and much more.
I shoot on location and am constantly looking for new ideas to shoot. I am patient and have a fun personality. So if you need to be comfortable in your photo-shoot, I’m your girl. My time right now is flexible, but revolves around my little girl who of course comes first. I'm also working on a few projects and am determined to shoot still shots for the entertainment industry, agencies, models, etc.
I work in a professional matter and am courteous to others time, so if you schedule a shoot with me, please do not waste my time.
Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/elsiehernandezphotography

I shoot on location and am constantly looking for new ideas to shoot. I am patient and have a fun personality. So if you need to be comfortable in your photo-shoot, I’m your girl. My time right now is flexible, but revolves around my little girl who of course comes first. I'm also working on a few projects and am determined to shoot still shots for the entertainment industry, agencies, models, etc.
I work in a professional matter and am courteous to others time, so if you schedule a shoot with me, please do not waste my time.
Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/elsiehernandezphotography

07 Feb 15 12:06
FOR SALE photographic in/out & travel lights system http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/pho/4868444131.html
FOR SALE photographic in/out & travel lights system http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/pho/4868444131.html
02 May 14 12:00
Great port!
Great port!