About Me

Im a person who believes in his self first and meet the requirements last. I know what im good at even if I don't have the paper work or resume to prove it. Beside the beauty that my eye can see, I have a unique sense of feel for talent, I can't explain what I mean in words so I shall show you through actions.
Give me a chance to express my beauty and i promise I won't let you down. I understand it sounds crazy to even consider a prospect with no history behind him, but history was then and I am now!

Email your thoughts back to me at:

Height: 6'0
Weight: 170
Race:African American
Personality: Humble

P.s. I can also be consider for a model, my styles are endless.


I have a book of poetry online called A Kingdom of Poetry which you can find at www.i-proclaimbookstore.com
The book sell for eleven dollars and it is a thing of beauty take my word on it.