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Join: | 18 Feb 2010 |
Last: | 30 Apr 2013 |
About Me

FEBRUARY - BOOK A SHOOT now and get a killer deal......... message me.
Let's do this: I shoot anything and everything that gets in front of my lens that is fearless and innovative!
Lead, follow, or simply get the hell out of the way!!!
Welcome to my Photographic Spaâ¢
Are you looking to create images that get peoples' attention?
While others try to imitate, I create!
The Home of the Original Picklesuit
RATES: To give you a ball park figure:
MDS - Model Development Shoot suitable for comp cards and submissions to agencies starts at $500.
BP â Body Paint rates start at $100 per look.
For commercial rates email me. MM is great, but not much commercial work comes my way from here.
TF - TF is limited and in most cases I will be the one to initiate communication. Exceptions are for the truly (well,) exceptional.
If you ask to work with me it will be 99.9% for my ideas and concepts only. Before you ask, look at the images in the port: some of them are topless, nude, some implied or just a little different in fashion.
The work I create my not always make you pretty in the classical sense of the word. What I shoot is often not the final work as I use some Photoshop along with some extremely creative people. However, the end result always seem to have a sense of color, energy and beauty.
The model will get via email or CD a minimum of 2 fully edited hi-res images per look from the shoot. Depending on content, there might be more images. The model will recieve the images in 2 to 4 weeks from the shoot.
So you wanna work TF with me...
There are 3 things that I look in a model when doing TF work:
+ Female
+ 5'7"
+ I REALLY like your look
+ Must be willing to be a MUSE in the true sense of the word â experimentation and creativity are paramount - nudity may be required.
ESCORTS (BABY SITTERS) - I don't mind models bringing escorts/baby sitters. However, based on space limitations, HERBELICIOUS STUDIOS is an escort-free zone.
You MUST be 18 years of age to work with me. I reserve the rights to make exceptions to that rule.
NO SHOW POLICY - GHOSTS - (Paid, TFP, etc.) I have become extremely intolerant of no-shows/ghosts or last minute cancellations. As a professional I expect those I hire, or those interested in my services to conduct themselves accordingly. If you cancel once, unless it's for a valid reason you can most likely count on never doing business with me again. Twice, NEVER AGAIN.

Main Entry: herblish
Pronunciation: '(h)&rb-lish
Function: proper noun â creative artist, photographer
Commercial | Fashmour | Body Paint | Portraits | Conceptual Art Photography â Look Books
I work primarily around the Central Florida area (I-4 Corridor - Orlando/Daytona Beach/Tampa). I have shot all over the US, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Mexico, Bahamas, Argentina, Belgium, France and Holland.
My commercial work have been published in many magazines, periodicals, websites and calendars around the world.
PICKLESUIT - My latest personal work Picklesuit: whatâs inside the Picklesuit is about to be published in December 2009. Check out some of the Picklesuit images in my sister port:
Winner of many Model Mayhem - PICTURE OF THE DAY - ORIGINAL EDITION!
Winner of several Model Mayhem - CONCEPT SHOT OF THE DAY!
Winner of several Model Mayhem - DIGITAL IMAGE OF THE DAY!

Art cannot be modern.. Art is primordially eternal - Egon Schiele
Whoever wants to know something about me (as an artist, the only notable thing) ought to look carefully at my pictures and try and see in them what I am and what I want to do. - Gustav Klimpt
At the end of the day is not about you - it's about me!
- Herblish


18 Feb 10 17:01
Great port. Very Nice work
Great port. Very Nice work