Bella Modella Studio - Model: Tara, South Carolina
 查看相册 (5)

加入:9 May 2005
最后:2 Sep 2014

Rarity Models
Denise Pereira


I am a retired professional photographer. I still occasionally do some work for hire — mostly swimwear/glamour/lingerie for calendars and fashion for clothing catalogs — but I’m very selective in choosing clients and projects. Most of my photo shoots these days are purely for my own creative satisfaction (that’s what “being retired” is all about!) For a more detailed bio, please visit: BellaModella*com/aboutme/mybio*html

For MANY more photos, please see my Web portfolio: BellaModella*com

Before contacting me for a shoot, please read "So you want to be a model..." on my Web portfolio.

— Randy

P.S. Simply replace the "asterisk" with a "period" in the above URLs. Some sites don't allow the display of other photo site addresses, and some even delete the common three letter synonym for "period" (also know as the abbreviation for "Department of Transportation" :-) Putting an "asterisk" in the URL effectively bypasses their filters.