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加入: | 2 Jan 2011 |
最后: | 27 Jan 2014 |
Acid-Candy Studios
43 岁
St Louis Metro Area, Missouri
Currently in St Louis
Acid-Candy Studios
IS URL: http://istudio.com:8080/acidcandystudios
IS #:50908
Acid-Candy Studios at Facebook
Hello and welcome to Acid-Candy Studios. (formerly full moon photo). My name is Acid-Candy. I have been doing photography since 2002. I began modeling 9 years ago and i have always been interested in photography. I shoot both paid work and TFP with models and clients.
TFP policy: for tfp shoots you will recieve a cd of all images from the shoot. Images are edited and contain my logo. On the cd will be 2 folders. One folder contains full size images you can print to put in your physical portfolio and the other folder includes websized images that have been resized to fit all site image qualifications (i.e. myspace, facebook, model mayhem, ect).
I do require all TFP models to follow these rules:
1. You MUST give at least 24 hour notice for cancelling shoots. If you cancel without a 24 hour notice, I will not reschedule you and you will have to pay my standard fee if you wish to shoot again.
2. You must bring your own wardrobe unless you would like to use my stylist services the fee is 100 dollars for 2 outfits to fit the style of our shoot. (outfits include shoes, dress, shirt, skirt, pants, accessories any of those combinations) You must provide me with sizing some items i custom make and all items are yours to keep after shooting.
3. If you are unable to do your hair and makeup yourself you must bring a makeup artist/hair stylist. I dont know how many times ive seen great models with alot of potential end up with images that dont do the model justice because they dont know how to do thier hair/makeup. If you wish to do your own hair/makeup please let me know ahead of time and provide me examples of own work. If you cant get a MUA and cant do your hair/makeup, I can do it for you.
4. Be professional! even if it is your first time in front of a camera, you should always act professional. This behavior sets the best first impression. Show up on time and ready to work. Be polite and have fun and enjoy yourself.
I shoot the following:
pinup / glamour
editorial / photojournalism
gothic / alternative / horror
catalog / commercial
artistic nude / non-nude
runway / event
My limit with nudity is glamour nude. I will NOT shoot porn or erotica.
If you contact me about shooting nudes i will shoot artistic nudes, and glamour nudes only TFP.
I shoot on location or in studio.
Paid shoots for paysites:
I will shoot sets for Suicide Girls, Deviant Nation, Zivity, and or any other member site, or for your personal paysites, but I do charge a fee since my copyright will be released to the sites , or yourself for usage and i wont be able to use images in my portfolio. (contact me for rate information. I charge per set and each set includes at least 200 images for you to choose from). I cant stress this enough I will not shoot porn! when you think of my limits think playboy style, not ron jeremy!
The President of the U.S.A Mr. Barack Obama

Alexandria McCabe

Laureli Slaughter

Lady Ash




Acid-Candy Studios at Facebook
Hello and welcome to Acid-Candy Studios. (formerly full moon photo). My name is Acid-Candy. I have been doing photography since 2002. I began modeling 9 years ago and i have always been interested in photography. I shoot both paid work and TFP with models and clients.
TFP policy: for tfp shoots you will recieve a cd of all images from the shoot. Images are edited and contain my logo. On the cd will be 2 folders. One folder contains full size images you can print to put in your physical portfolio and the other folder includes websized images that have been resized to fit all site image qualifications (i.e. myspace, facebook, model mayhem, ect).
I do require all TFP models to follow these rules:
1. You MUST give at least 24 hour notice for cancelling shoots. If you cancel without a 24 hour notice, I will not reschedule you and you will have to pay my standard fee if you wish to shoot again.
2. You must bring your own wardrobe unless you would like to use my stylist services the fee is 100 dollars for 2 outfits to fit the style of our shoot. (outfits include shoes, dress, shirt, skirt, pants, accessories any of those combinations) You must provide me with sizing some items i custom make and all items are yours to keep after shooting.
3. If you are unable to do your hair and makeup yourself you must bring a makeup artist/hair stylist. I dont know how many times ive seen great models with alot of potential end up with images that dont do the model justice because they dont know how to do thier hair/makeup. If you wish to do your own hair/makeup please let me know ahead of time and provide me examples of own work. If you cant get a MUA and cant do your hair/makeup, I can do it for you.
4. Be professional! even if it is your first time in front of a camera, you should always act professional. This behavior sets the best first impression. Show up on time and ready to work. Be polite and have fun and enjoy yourself.
I shoot the following:
pinup / glamour
editorial / photojournalism
gothic / alternative / horror
catalog / commercial
artistic nude / non-nude
runway / event
My limit with nudity is glamour nude. I will NOT shoot porn or erotica.
If you contact me about shooting nudes i will shoot artistic nudes, and glamour nudes only TFP.
I shoot on location or in studio.
Paid shoots for paysites:
I will shoot sets for Suicide Girls, Deviant Nation, Zivity, and or any other member site, or for your personal paysites, but I do charge a fee since my copyright will be released to the sites , or yourself for usage and i wont be able to use images in my portfolio. (contact me for rate information. I charge per set and each set includes at least 200 images for you to choose from). I cant stress this enough I will not shoot porn! when you think of my limits think playboy style, not ron jeremy!
The President of the U.S.A Mr. Barack Obama

Alexandria McCabe

Laureli Slaughter

Lady Ash




Current projects im working on :
Classic cheesecake pinups (female models/makeup artists / hair stylists)
think classic vintage pinups. I will be needing both nude and non nude models for this project. It will be TFP and you will recieve a cd. for this session you MUST be able to do your hair/makeup in vintage fashion or else you must obtain a makeup artist!
Alternative pinups(female models/ muas/ hair stylists) I need various nude and non nude models for this project. Think tattoos, piercings, rockabilly. this is a tfp project and you will be given a cd. You must be able to do your hair/makeup or obtain a mua.
classic 20s & 30s glamour (female and male models /MUAs/ hair stylists)
think hollywood starlets! everyone from helen kane to bettie davis and clark gable. this will be a vintage style project. I'd like to get a nice collection of vintage style glamour shots. This is a tfp project and you will get a cd.
the 7 deadly sins (female models/MUA/hair stylists)
I am needing 7 female models one for each sin. this is a tfp shoot you will get a cd.
Rock of ages (female and male models/ MUA/hair stylists) I am doing a shoot where i want to capture every era from the flappers of the 20s/30s, the hippies of the 60s/70s, the it girls and hair bands of the 80s to the grundge of the 90s. I plan on having every era covered. This will be a tfp shoot and you will recieve a cd.
The Color Wheel (female/male models, MUAs, Hair stylists)
for this project i want a model for every color. this is going to be a colorful shoot, with colorful makeup and clothing. this is a tfp project and you will recieve a cd.
I have many more projects to be posted so check back for a theme you would want to do!
(*) indicates multiple shoots
I have modeled for various photographers (check the photographers lists on my mm model page.)
models i have shot with: (* indicates multiple shoots)
Laureli Slaughter*
Sassy Sara (mm #816702)*
Courtney Q.
Angie T *
Tiffany D *
Sara Van Galder
Torri Ice *
Lady Ashley (mm #818297)*
Triplesix (mm #5501)
Melissa R
Margie Schmitz
Tania Marg* (mm# 94626)
Carly Jean
Heather T.*
Mandy P.
Mande U.*
Angie L.*
Cara Beale (mm #106988)*
Victoria (mm #139191)
Toni K.
Nikki Werner*
Kym Night
Heather H.
Vi Ho (mm #573143)
Tiffany (mm #522603)
Alexandria McCabe
there are various other model's I have worked with modeling or doing hair/makeup that I didnt get to shoot full list on my other profiles!
Hair/Makeup Artists:
Sarah Diekemper*
Heather Wissmann*
Heidi Tinsley*
Missy Suthers*
Tiffany Spooner (mistress of makeup) #383876
Photoshop Pros:
One-Stop Photoshop mm#829513
Attended the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout 2004 and 2006.
I am a MoMap member and have attended momap group shoots in 2002.
various weddings from 2002- present
Barack Obama Rally Oct. 2008
The Expression "Fuck" party
Print ad for bettiescloset.com 2011
Pure Cash Magazine 2010
Classic cheesecake pinups (female models/makeup artists / hair stylists)
think classic vintage pinups. I will be needing both nude and non nude models for this project. It will be TFP and you will recieve a cd. for this session you MUST be able to do your hair/makeup in vintage fashion or else you must obtain a makeup artist!
Alternative pinups(female models/ muas/ hair stylists) I need various nude and non nude models for this project. Think tattoos, piercings, rockabilly. this is a tfp project and you will be given a cd. You must be able to do your hair/makeup or obtain a mua.
classic 20s & 30s glamour (female and male models /MUAs/ hair stylists)
think hollywood starlets! everyone from helen kane to bettie davis and clark gable. this will be a vintage style project. I'd like to get a nice collection of vintage style glamour shots. This is a tfp project and you will get a cd.
the 7 deadly sins (female models/MUA/hair stylists)
I am needing 7 female models one for each sin. this is a tfp shoot you will get a cd.
Rock of ages (female and male models/ MUA/hair stylists) I am doing a shoot where i want to capture every era from the flappers of the 20s/30s, the hippies of the 60s/70s, the it girls and hair bands of the 80s to the grundge of the 90s. I plan on having every era covered. This will be a tfp shoot and you will recieve a cd.
The Color Wheel (female/male models, MUAs, Hair stylists)
for this project i want a model for every color. this is going to be a colorful shoot, with colorful makeup and clothing. this is a tfp project and you will recieve a cd.
I have many more projects to be posted so check back for a theme you would want to do!
(*) indicates multiple shoots
I have modeled for various photographers (check the photographers lists on my mm model page.)
models i have shot with: (* indicates multiple shoots)
Laureli Slaughter*
Sassy Sara (mm #816702)*
Courtney Q.
Angie T *
Tiffany D *
Sara Van Galder
Torri Ice *
Lady Ashley (mm #818297)*
Triplesix (mm #5501)
Melissa R
Margie Schmitz
Tania Marg* (mm# 94626)
Carly Jean
Heather T.*
Mandy P.
Mande U.*
Angie L.*
Cara Beale (mm #106988)*
Victoria (mm #139191)
Toni K.
Nikki Werner*
Kym Night
Heather H.
Vi Ho (mm #573143)
Tiffany (mm #522603)
Alexandria McCabe
there are various other model's I have worked with modeling or doing hair/makeup that I didnt get to shoot full list on my other profiles!
Hair/Makeup Artists:
Sarah Diekemper*
Heather Wissmann*
Heidi Tinsley*
Missy Suthers*
Tiffany Spooner (mistress of makeup) #383876
Photoshop Pros:
One-Stop Photoshop mm#829513
Attended the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout 2004 and 2006.
I am a MoMap member and have attended momap group shoots in 2002.
various weddings from 2002- present
Barack Obama Rally Oct. 2008
The Expression "Fuck" party
Print ad for bettiescloset.com 2011
Pure Cash Magazine 2010