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加入:9 Feb 2010
最后:27 Jan 2011



Currently in the Florida Key(s). To contct me email me at mm@photographic-arts or call 414-403-7007. Also if you SKYPE my user name is "photographic-arts". Will return when the weather warms up. Temp in Key West: 75 and sunny. Local K.W. models needed, contact me....

I am an established fine art photographer living in the Milwaukee area (which yes, it is still in Wisconsin). I have a college degree in photography, attended many photographic workshops, book publishing workshops, and have almost made the conversion from film to digital. My main photographic interests are the human form, fashion-portraits and the landscape. I like working with models and finding/creating a photographic visual interaction that will result in an extraordinary photograph. I primarily work with the human form in various environments and within the landscape, incorporating the human body in various ways and working to find its beauty within the environment.

New models, please do not hesitate to e-mail me, the majority of my work is done with new models or inexperienced models and I am fun to work (so I have been told). Bring your enthusiasm and have one of the best modeling experiences that you will have!

For more information and a sample of the work, please see Other reference websites are,, and a new site I have just started called (just started today). Best method to contact me is thru email thru MM.

I am now looking for five or six more models to work with me in 2009/1010. Contact me if you are interested in modeling for any of these projects. Home phone is 414-671-4241. All models that contact me are expected to work with me in a professional manner and have a great time doing so.

Most Important:
If you are a model who is unable to reply to emails, return phone calls, set a time for a shoot, or is just not sure, then I DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH YOU. I am sick and tried of having to send out 10 emails or making a half a dozen-phones call to a model, for a reply that is generic and usually does not answer any questions I ask. Life is too short and I have images that I want to create

I do not book any shoots without talking to the model on the phone first. Most of the time: a face-to-face meeting is required (exceptions are models that are traveling a great distance). I want to talk to and met the model before I setup a shoot (this is based on past history). Email is just an introduction. Also when a model blows off the pre-shoot meeting they are telling me “they do not want to work with me”.

Current Projects
General portraits (non-nude), portraits of friends, students, etc. All clothed and safe to look at (well most are safe by my standards).

The box tops A series of nudes shot on top or in a “old wooden box” that was given to me. Model is in control and picks the pose.

Gas mask series , A series of nudes shot with the use of a “Gas Mask”. Model may not be identifiable due to the gas mask. Fun series for starting models.

Guitar nudes All those old guitars need someone to hold them. Full nude project which will results in publication of a book. No, I do not play guitar.

Human form or abstract nudes A series of abstract nudes or just body parts, Model are not be identifiable (unless part is unique). Fun series for starting models.

Landscape and the nude My major project where most images are created. Nudes taken in the environment. When the environment maybe a waterfalls, old building, I-94, downtown Milwaukee, etc….

Nude portraits Hardest series to model for. It is just the model (nude) in the environment.

Yosemite and the nude fine art nudes created within and near Yosemite National Park. Final project will result in a book.

Dennis M. Bettin 0

P.S. if you are a model and I add you as a friend, it indicates an interest in working with you. So call me, email me, write me, stop by, etc…



A world of thank to the models that have worked with me over the past years. I couldn't have done it without you! This is a listing of the recent models:
* Rikki Lee (MM 556265)
* Tania Tapia (MM 13174)
* Hannah Patricia (MM 314530)
* Mandy W. (MM 172295)
* Amber B (MM 377387) also known as the MNFD queen...

* Cat Lasee (MM 417452)

and others

And Patches the wonder dog (my assistant) watching me work....... 0


10 Feb 10 00:45
Top notch work, keep it up, models and photogs could learn a lot from you.