
Located in the Central Brevard County, Florida. I have shot in Houston, TX and Denver, CO. If I am ever in those two areas or in Dayton, Ohio.. I'd be sure to contact anyone in the locating area. I am accepting paid assignments only. Unless we come up with a shoot that will benefit both of our portfolios I may consider trade. I am a down to earth kinda gal that has a heart for Photography, Music, & Art. I am a random person with random ideas. I am interested in alot of areas in photography. I love lips, hips, eyes, thighs... you name it. I believe everyone is beautiful inside and out and I hope to accomplish that through your images. So if you are a spontaneous person and are interseted in collaborating with me, please contact me at K.N.Morris@hotmail.com. Want to see more of my work? Find me on Facebook (Nicki Morris OR Photography by Nicki Morris). http://www.facebook.com/N.MorrisPhotography

***Important information***

*I request you sign a model release form (wheather you are doing a family photoshoot or self portraits).

* If you are under the age of 18, you must bring your legal guardian.

* I do shoot nude photos, if requested. They will remain sexy and/ or classy. No images will be pornographic.

Feel free to check out my Facebook Fan Page and my Webiste (alot more images there).


16 May 11 11:22
Thanks for the reqwest