
About our work: We continue to provide digital eSolutions for today’s bottom-line focused influencers.

"Great glamour photography is a journey of discovery down an unexplored river full of unexpressed desires." - The Sayings of Art Knew-vaux

"In the lens of glamour, beauty finds its true reflection."

"Glamour photography is the intersection of light and desire, of the ephemeral and the eternal. " -- The Sayings of Art Knew-vaux

"Glamour is not only seen; it is felt, resonating with the soul’s deepest yearnings." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-vaux

When you're ready to put your legacy photography in the null socket, come to Art Knew-Vaux. Art knows how to avoid cliches when using polymorphic studio lighting. So you can focus on adding value to your project. Our motto: "Optimizing glamour photography for the post-digital era," ™

"Art Knew-vaux is to photography what French toast is to breakfast." - Egon V, EU media CEO

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ― Henri Cartier-Bresson

"Light makes photography. Embrace light." -- George Eastman

"Sweet raspberry undertones with a sharp cactus finish make glamour photos intoxicatingly memorable." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"Soft light makes good photography but crisp bacon makes a better lunch." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"The secret sauce for photography?" He laughed, "The ingredients are a mastery of technique, an infusion of creativity and a dash of light, seasoned to taste, shaken not stirred." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"I say unto thee: Do not forsake thy natural lighting in order to drink from the enticing cup of photographic fame." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"If Arthur Rimbaud was a film camera, he would use expired Tri-X 400 film." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"The wise photographer today understands the undertones of creative obfuscation implicit in the Sony camera menu." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"Backeth up thy works lest thy artistic reputation fade away like old Agfacolor prints." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

They that cherish pocket cameras shalt dispel iPhones; they shalt be protected from cicadas and Verizon wireless bills.-- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"Work the offensive advantage or it will be game over for your photography.." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"The best glamour photography should be as inviting as savory classic Beef Stroganoff topped with crisp, thick Applewood-smoked bacon slices." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"Opinionated and awesome glamour photography is a smarter way to survive in a a selfie centric world." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"It is said that improper lifestyle and unsuppressed desires for new camera equipment are the cause of many difficulties." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

The quickest way to take your photography to the next level is to tip the elevator operator. -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"Shun the undeniably prosaic in life an d photography. Always embrace hope and colors as bright as fields of radiant marigolds." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

"If your artistic life has become a mound of leftover turkey stuffing, add highly seasoned bacon." -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

" The perfect glamour photo is not only a final destination. It's part of a journey of self-discovery. " -- The Sayings of Art Knew-Vaux

I am mostly inactive on this site now.
I am on this mostly inactive site now.
Mostly inactive, I am.
I am what I am.
Cogito, ergo sum.
All of the above.
None of the above.



Discovered a continent, landed on the moon, won the Pulitzer and the Nobel, made up a lot of stuff to post under credits on websites.


05 Dec 20 21:13
Nice work!! Keep up the great work, love to see more!!!
14 Nov 18 17:20
Great work, keep it up and never stop...
10 Jun 16 02:08
You have nice works! love it!
11 May 16 15:08
amazing work... very well captured.
13 Jan 14 17:42
Amazing port! Best of luck to you :)
30 Sep 13 06:43
Thanks for the friendship. You've worked with some great talent!
27 Jul 13 22:33
Thank you, I hope so too :) You have beautiful work
01 Jun 13 15:39
Very nice work!!! Outstanding!!!
13 May 13 10:02
you're welcome. I love your shots of Arlene, she is a beauty
29 Jan 13 02:55
nice port