

If I sent you a friend request, tagged you, or if you just stumbled upon this page and have red hair.. I'm probably wanting you to check out the Infrared project on this profile. Please let me know your interest level if any. It is not paid, but I can guarantee that it will be different

Don't worry about detail like, where I am, where you are, etc.... I travel LOTS. Just let me know if you're interested and we'll keep each other on our "list" to coordinate travels....

Now the rest:

Photographing since 1978, I have relationships with several local and international stylists with the ability to produce whatever you can imagine. This profile is a separate account from my commercial account that showcases my glamour, artistic stuff. Always looking for fashion height models within 100 miles. Also looking for pinup and glamour models for various projects. If you're interested in working with us, please add as a friend. Please also drop by to say hello once in a while. Those that are not actively interested in working together and do not communicate from time to time will be deleted. This ain't myspace, and I'm not looking to collect 36,872 "friends".... pathetic...... Open to some TFP for now. Watch for pricing when the website is complete in about a month.

Please be professional, courteous, and on time. If we start talking about working together, we must trade phone numbers.. I get REALLY tired of playing hide and seek and "e-mail ping-pong". If you're too scared to make real contact, please get out of this business. Agents/managers are also viable contact numbers as long as they can set your schedule and make you stick to it. If I contact you, rest assured that I am not looking to charge you, and also rest assured that I am NOT offering any compensation unless I specifically say so. This profile is more for finding models to collaborate with. I mostly use my other profile for commercial work/castings...

Important differences to know:

I PREFER for you to bring an escort (they come in handy carrying stuff)... please contrast this to the GWC that seems annoyed that you don't show up alone in a dark street dead end while over an hour from home.

I am a full time professional photographer with no other job

I am married, I have 4 kids (no wise-cracks please), and small fluffy dog...

I have NO interest in dating, screwing, or getting you nekid for jollies.

I get offended when people don't reply to inquiries... yes I know that the internet is choc-full-O loosers, and I'm sure that you're a fucking rock star (who happens to wait tables or is a bartender) and that you get 100's if not 1,000's of notes daily via the internet looking for TF-this and that, or naked artistic such&such... and that you just can't reply for 3 months.... Know this: For a real pro to reach out and not get the professionalism and common courtesy of a reply... is a no-no... If you're really that inundated with inquires...It's time for a manager, or time to list with an agency that can get you a $2,000-5,000 day rate and get you the hell off the internet.... And while you're at it... get some friggin manners...

There... that's my rant... I feel better. I hope you do too!

Our name is "Shoot-Hard" because that's how we roll (if you knew me,,, you would know how funny and ridiculous it is that I use the phrase "that's how we roll"). No borderline, comp card, cookie cutter crap done here. I have no interest or time for producing run of the mill looking work. If you're looking for something different than the 6-12 generic shots on your profile from the same 1 or 2 MWC's... float us your concept.

Hope to meet lots of new and committed professionals here.

Also looking to network with hair, makeup, and fashion stylists.



1. I am now the proud grandfather of a guinea pig and two parakeets, as two of my children have decided that they need pets... yay... (like anybody cares eh?)

2. I am going to be making contacts and re-establishing relationships with fashion height models. I will be planning a couple of fashion shoots before season kicks in for 2010.... If you are available for select tfp and 5'8" or taller (size 2-4 please), please reach out for consideration. Be assured a MUA, studio set construction, and fashion stylist will be involved and that this will be worth your time. I'm going to be dropping some cash into this with the goal being reaching out to fashion editorial and fashion manufacturers for catalog work. If you're a pro with a few hours to spare,, you will want to be involved.

Please, as always, no flakes or wanna-bees.......



11 Apr 10 15:40
great work!