Casting Calls
K.Lowe's photography
Updateing port
Areas around Georgia, United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 18 Nov 2010
Duration : 4 day(s)
Im willing to help models update there port but realy just looking to do some fun shooting myself with some awsome images. Im realy good at shooting outdoor so thats something I would love to do but also have other settings. IM OPEN FOR ANYTHING! LETS HAVE FUN AND CREATE SOME AWSOME IMAGES FOR EACHOTHA PORT.
Views : 546
Kiunna Lowe
Looking to update my port. creative themes welcomed
Areas around Georgia, United States

looking for Photographer  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 18 Nov 2010
Duration : 2 day(s)
Hey. Im looking to update my port with different looks or just some awsome shots. I would love to do out of the box work and some sexy shoots also but must be classy though. Im up for swimwear,linguere Shots as well.Looking to work with MUA,hair stylist also. I am willing to travel with "compensation" paid I will be there! Lets have fun and create awsome work.
Msg me if your interested.
Views : 524
International Model Management  - TMZ Model ANN
Contest TPZ Bikini Models 2010 -11 Bikini
London, United Kingdom

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Starting : 18 Nov 2010
Duration : 90 day(s)
TPZ Bikini Models 2010-2011 ( International Models only )

Models who wish to participate in the TPZ Bikini Models 2010 -11 Bikini Model Search and get an all-expense paid trip to INDIA (New Delhi) should email us at Please send us 10 photos along with your details and we will let you know if you're selected by our staff.

Models will be selected based on Talentpromoterz Jury and the votes of our staff. All decisions by staff are final and all ...
Views : 642
Model Casting Call & Clothes Designer
California, United States
Starting : 18 Nov 2010
Duration : 4 day(s)
November 21st / Sunday at 1:00pm
[ Final Model casting Call & Clothes Designer Fitting ] At UGMX , 1701 South 7th Street , [ Suite 1 ] San Jose ,Calif. 95112 [ off Phelan St ] Need Models , Hair Stylists , MUA'S & female Fashion Show dressers needed..

This is for the December 5th Fashion Show.

408-661-9639, 1-877-423-8135

Check out the Poster
Views : 465
Jessi June
Los Angeles , United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Starting : 22 Nov 2010
Duration : 3 day(s)
Hey Everyone!!

I'm making my winter tour and will be coming to a city near you! 40 states in 90 days, and Then Ill be hitting Europe in March, and wont be back until June or July, so this will be the last chance to book me until late 2011! Message me the details of what your looking to shoot, and I know we can get the details worked out and have a shoot booked soon. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you all in the near future!!

Your Future Model,

Views : 669
Looking for Eye Candy Models to Publish
Hollwood, United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 15 Dec 2010
Duration : 4 day(s)
I'll be visiting La. and shooting for TEARSHEET Magazine
Looking for New Talent to be Published and Featured !
Views : 538
CJ Photography - LR - Lola Bonita
French Quarter Location Shoot
New Orleans, United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 10 Dec 2010
Duration : 1 day(s)
I will be in New Orleans 12/8 - 12/10 and have the morning of 12/9 free. I'd love to do some location shots in the French Quarter area.

This is my first post-Katrina trip to New Orleans, so I'm not sure what I'll find.

Hit me up if you'd like to work together! Thanks
Views : 559
Models and Extras for Reality TV Show
Solas Raleigh NC, United States
Starting : 15 Nov 2010
Duration : 3 day(s)
We are holding an open casting call for models and extras to be part of a New Reality TV show being shot in the Triangle Area.

Model Requirements:
Women ages 18-30
Size: 0-5
Availability will be based on need. Proper notice will be given for shoots.

Extra Requirements:
Women ages 21-30
Availability will be based on need. Proper notice will be given for filming.

You may audition for both, if your age and size requirements permit.

Auditions for both will be held from ...
Views : 714
Actors/Actress/Extras Needed For A 5 minute Short Film
Phoenix, United States
Starting : 15 Nov 2010
Duration : 15 day(s)
Actors/Actress/Extras Needed For A 5 minute Short Film , Each actor will receive a Link of this Short film as there own deom reel...

Short Film: A drug lord determined to wipe out all his competition and distribute the profits of his operations to the streets in his violent Ways...

Male lead Actor -(as Vito) ethnicity any

Female Actress-(as Vito's Wife)- white caucasian must be Blonde or Burnett in her 20's or 30's & must be comfortable to kiss.

2 male extras for Vito's body ...
Views : 496
Chris Thomson - Spash
Beach & Fitness Calendar
Brighton/London, United Kingdom

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Starting : 17 Nov 2010
Duration : 14 day(s)
Casting for overseas beach calendar Shoot in January 2011. Applicants must be fit with a basic suntan and able to travel abroad for a week in Jan/Feb 2011
Views : 976  Comments : 1