carlos l ramalhao
 Xem hình ảnh (20)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:4 Apr 2011
Ngày gần nhất:23 Dec 2015

Về tôi

«I am the son, I am the heir, of a shyness that is criminarly vulgar», so says Morrissey and I agree. Yes, I am complicated, think too much and feel things even more. See myself as a creative, romantic, sensitive old-fashioned guy, who likes poetry, particularly the one contained in music and cinema and art and photography and books. I've convinced myself I'm capable of doing it, rather than just admiring it. Consequently, I am frustrated. But naive enough to still believe in the future.

I am a Portuguese writer who loves photography. People, expressions, bodies fascinate me, in particular.

Just finished an MA at Bournemouth University.

I have just created a website to show some more work I've done, including other areas of photography. It's up there. Click it.

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