 Xem hình ảnh (17)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:31 Jul 2013
Ngày gần nhất:26 Jul 2016

Về tôi

Kuala Lumpur now!
I enjoy the company of kind and authentic people, and I'm determined to create the life of my dreams. My future is mine to create - and limitless.

Looking to work with professional photographers that will benifit my protfolio along with make up artists, stylists, and models!

I look forward on booking paid assignments, limited TFCD & TFP unless you have a very interesting concept that would enhance my portfolio. Please do not hesitate to contact me to ask about my rates we can negotiate an agreeable arrangement.


31 Jul 14 13:38
Lovely work!
25 Jul 14 13:02
A beautiful young lady with a nice port. Come to the US and I will photograph you all day every day.
10 Aug 13 06:52
06 Aug 13 09:43
Nice portfolio Liza, see you around :-)
01 Aug 13 01:40
Hi thanks for the FR :) You're pictures are gorgeous!
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