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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:28 May 2013
Ngày gần nhất:14 Jul 2013

Về tôi

Being a model lets me be like other girls. I love looking gorgeous and trying different hairstyles.
I get to become another person. I am a very experienced runway model. I have been in the industry for modeling.

I am all about making progress. I would love to be an international model one day.

I am not looking to do very many bikini & underwear shoots. I to focus on the style.

This is now becoming a reality for me. If you are true to yourself and go for you dreams you will be ok.

Sometimes you fail but you always grow from the experience.

When it comes to modeling I do it because it helps make me more confident.
When I look back on the body of work i have created it reminds me of how beautiful I can be.

That helps give me the confidence to be who I am.

I do it for the experience for the fun of being in new environments and being involved in Fashion

Tín chỉ


29 May 13 02:59
Welcome to iStudio. Fantastic work. Wish you lived closer so we could shoot.
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