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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:12 Mar 2009
Ngày gần nhất:23 Mar 2014

Về tôi

Born in Bogotá, COLOMBIA, raised in the United States. Accountant from Queens Collage and graduated from Germain School of Photography NYC. Most of my work was lost when I moved back to COLOMBIA, which kind of frustrated things a bit. Now that I`m retired and enjoying one of the last paradises on earth, I will once again take my dearest hobby at hearth and try to bring about the beauty of the place.

I will travel anywhere and will work for lodge and food, I need to once again be recognized and dealt with.


13 Sep 09 17:18
Thank you for the photo comment and yes beauty is every where all one has to do is look for it. :)
06 Aug 09 09:55
Thank you for the Pic Comment. Have a lovely day!
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