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Вес:125 lbs
Параметры:34-25-35 in
Размер обуви:7.5
Цвет волос:Русый(ая)
Длинна волос:Очень длинные
Цвет глаз:светло-карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:27 Feb 2010
Последние:13 Nov 2015

Admin - iStudio Admin

О себе

I am an experienced classic model, with a mature and sophisticated look. I have been a yoga practitioner for years and am a classically trained dancer, with a supple body and a natural ability to pose. I am also an experienced life model, member of RAM, the Register of Artist's Models. My look is unique, I am the only model here on MM from the UK with very long, very thick silver/gray hair, a rarity among women in my age group.
I am seeking interesting work, preferably paid, but will consider some high quality TF. I can bring to a shoot an intelligent and imaginative approach, drawing on my performance experience and physicality, great poise and elegance and unusual body flexibility.
I am also a writer and love the arts with a passion.
I am a contributing artist of the award winning blog "Univers d'artistes", whose artistic director is the incomparable Unbearable Lightness
I am also a contributor to What We Saw Today a blog by Unbearable Lightness and photographer Joe Crachiola.

My art nude work can be seen at where I have a gallery and
also on musecube, my portfolio - see link given under location. Another series of folios is at

***Always interested in working with a partner, either gender, for dynamic artistic poses in the fine art nude genre, exploring the shapes that two bodies can make. You would need a dance/yoga/martial arts background for this to be effective.***

Re Friends: I would prefer to add as friends only people I have worked with or whom I am likely to work with. So please do not be offended if I decline your request. I use Deviant Art for socialising with photographers and artists so please join me there if this is what you are after


Have recently worked with


Zoomphoto #372960
Xavier35 #18870
Knight pix #895751
Simon Richardson #673889
23-06-07 #753857
Jemimah #139651
Tomphotouk #264252
Neil Huxtable #726013
Drinking Beauty #737495
Sam Paris Proctor #878107
Jan Murphy #760468
Mark Varley #166429
Flat 26 #1031512
Winjohn #407192
Marcello Pozzetti #759290
Solus #694685

Cidy Souza #770053
Justyna N #446911


30 Nov 14 10:34
Inspiring model...would love to work with you
10 Dec 10 07:35
great pose!!! i like it, may i drawing this picture?
28 Feb 10 01:48
welcome to istudio
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