О себе

I have been modeling for two years now. I have worked with many photographers. I was recently chosen to be the model for Bircher Inc. which is the biggest cannon making company in the world. I am featured on the cover of his magazines and adds that go out worldwide. In addition, I am his model on gunbroker.com. I am a Southern tomboy who enjoys firearms, camping, huntings, fishing, mudding, camping, etc. I feel I can bring a unique combination of my tomboy lifestyle into a sexy lingerie and other attire to the modeling industry. I believe in giving one hundred percent toward being successful in this field. I have an extremely outgoing personality and I am grateful for any opportunities which may cross my path.


11 Aug 13 15:19
Thanks for the FR!~ I miss seeing you on the MM!~ Would you unblock me? I promise to be nice!~
20 Jul 13 22:44
Thanks for the Friend Request. Hope to shoot with you sometime.
08 Apr 13 15:25
Hi Tina!
22 Feb 13 22:13
Nice portfolio!
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