Kross Myles Edwin
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Вступить:8 May 2012
Последние:12 Nov 2012

О себе


Am dark skind,hairy,slim 6 10 ft tall!

Livin in dreamz en hopz! Alot ov them!

CoffeeBrown en armygreen r mi colourz!

Boild white rice en boild irsh potatoes + beanz wiz sliver fish z mi favourite dish

am da only child ov my mummy en daddy! Bt mummy en daddy + mi little sis Sandra r all gone! R.I.P! I still do love en i wil alway love u! Mwaaahh 4 u!

i love mi hair en nailz bt am nt gay!

8 (Eight) z mi lucky numba! & Wednesday z mi lucky day!

Livin in strezzin en borin lyf as ov now! Meanin i hate mi lyf 4nw!

I love 2 respect en 4 dat da way i do respect u z da way u should respect me! Datz wat i think! Abt respect!

I dont fight fate or lyf! I jst go whre lyf or fate tkz me! Whc i dont lyk! Bt datz hw itz! LIFE!

I hardly gt pissed! Da secret hide z smile whelt real or plastic! + i dont hit women no mata hw pissd i might gt! 2 me it z lyk hittin ma motha!


31 May 12 11:14
hello!!!!!! everyone!!! hope you are good!!!!! God bless
09 May 12 13:20
Wow!!!! am so happy to be here!!!!!
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