Информация | |
Вступить: | 18 Oct 2011 |
Последние: | 13 Jun 2015 |
О себе
My name is Nick (short for Nicholas) and I'm in the process of building my new port with all male models. I am looking to shoot fit modeling, swimwear/underwear, parts modeling and fine art. Every shoot I do right now is for "TFP"... You give me your time and I'll give you great looking pictures!!!
My goal is to capture the male physique at its best. That's where you come in.... If you think you would be a good subject for my male physique series, please send me a message on mayhem.
Please feel free to leave comments on my port and profile page. Thanks!

My goal is to capture the male physique at its best. That's where you come in.... If you think you would be a good subject for my male physique series, please send me a message on mayhem.
Please feel free to leave comments on my port and profile page. Thanks!

Gerardo z #796612
Jose Parra #2463689
Alexanderc #2368557
Pablo R Hernandez #2100738
Walter Smith II #463034
Adam Rexx #1997881
Johnieedee #1152933
Joe Fidler#2154328
Brandon Schinaman #1405299
Carlos Sasvin #1541059
Cristian Alexander #1495925
Jacob Authier #506489
PhotoKiller #773196
Online Magazines / Blogs
Image Amplified: http://www.imageamplified.com/2011/11/image-amplified-magazine-pablo-hernandez-in-masculine-dosage-by-nicholas-hernandez-wwwimageamplifiedcom-image-amplified.html
YVY Magazine: http://www.yvymag.com/2011/11/pablo-hernandez-nicholas-hernandez/#more-89163
ReFresh Magazine: http://refreshmagazine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/11/pablo-hernandez-by-nick-hernandez.html
Male Fitness Models: http://malefitnessmodels.net/nicholashernandez-pablohernandez.html
Caricias Magazine: http://cariciasmag.wordpress.com/2011/11/11/pablo-hernandez-by-nick-hernandez/
Beautiful Magazine: http://www.beautifulmag.com/beautiful/2012/01/long-train-running-nicholas-hernandez.html
ReFresh Magazine: http://refreshmagazine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/01/brandon-by-nicholas-hernandez.html
Ethan Says: http://www.ethansays.com/2012/01/nicholas-hernandez-brandon-schinaman.html
Image Amplified: http://www.imageamplified.com/2012/01/masculine-dosage-brandon-schinaman-by-nicholas-hernandez-wwwimageamplifiedcom-image-amplified.html
Gerardo z #796612
Jose Parra #2463689
Alexanderc #2368557
Pablo R Hernandez #2100738
Walter Smith II #463034
Adam Rexx #1997881
Johnieedee #1152933
Joe Fidler#2154328
Brandon Schinaman #1405299
Carlos Sasvin #1541059
Cristian Alexander #1495925
Jacob Authier #506489
PhotoKiller #773196
Online Magazines / Blogs
Image Amplified: http://www.imageamplified.com/2011/11/image-amplified-magazine-pablo-hernandez-in-masculine-dosage-by-nicholas-hernandez-wwwimageamplifiedcom-image-amplified.html
YVY Magazine: http://www.yvymag.com/2011/11/pablo-hernandez-nicholas-hernandez/#more-89163
ReFresh Magazine: http://refreshmagazine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/11/pablo-hernandez-by-nick-hernandez.html
Male Fitness Models: http://malefitnessmodels.net/nicholashernandez-pablohernandez.html
Caricias Magazine: http://cariciasmag.wordpress.com/2011/11/11/pablo-hernandez-by-nick-hernandez/
Beautiful Magazine: http://www.beautifulmag.com/beautiful/2012/01/long-train-running-nicholas-hernandez.html
ReFresh Magazine: http://refreshmagazine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/01/brandon-by-nicholas-hernandez.html
Ethan Says: http://www.ethansays.com/2012/01/nicholas-hernandez-brandon-schinaman.html
Image Amplified: http://www.imageamplified.com/2012/01/masculine-dosage-brandon-schinaman-by-nicholas-hernandez-wwwimageamplifiedcom-image-amplified.html
08 Jun 15 10:02
great work
great work
23 Oct 12 14:57
Hey how are you? If you need a website I do them for really cheap. Check out my stuff :) www.siegewebdesign.com
Hey how are you? If you need a website I do them for really cheap. Check out my stuff :) www.siegewebdesign.com
03 Dec 11 01:00
Gracias amigo for the FR. Your work is so incredible. Would love to work with you some day. Alex
Gracias amigo for the FR. Your work is so incredible. Would love to work with you some day. Alex
29 Nov 11 04:19
You are welcome i like it so much! and i am hopping i can do that!:D
You are welcome i like it so much! and i am hopping i can do that!:D
28 Nov 11 20:01
Nice Body and nice photos:D i like it! so much!
Nice Body and nice photos:D i like it! so much!