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Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Короткие
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Темная
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Вступить:5 Apr 2013
Последние:13 Nov 2013

О себе

Greatness was made on April 24th 1995.Aspiring singer at age five ,model at age eighteen. I was born and raised in Durham NC,and will be attending American Intercontinental University In Atlanta Georgia during the summer.I have been described as spunky,witty, intelligent,and stage ready. I was always such a big dreamer ,I was always the kid that everyone looked up to but not many believed because hey didn't know what I was capable of . I was always looked at as the "funny pretty girl" that couldn't be taken serious. Modeling is something that I take very serious and I enjoy doing it. Given the chance to show others that I can do something that I put my mind to will encourage others to pursue there goals.My style is very vintage! My clothing can get extreme, and also my makeup. But also I can be very soft. I would love the opportunity to build up my experience by working with different photographers with different views on fashion. . I have made a modeling portfolio/ website .
Website: http://ninadrumgoole12.wix.com/ninadrumgoole


photographer Charles Jackson .


31 Oct 15 06:44
Very nice portfolio .
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