Courtney Dawn Stone
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Цвет волос:Блондин(ка)
Длинна волос:Средней длины
Цвет глаз:зеленые
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Вступить:12 Sep 2012
Последние:13 Sep 2012

Admin - iStudio Admin
Bobby Lee Photography

О себе

My name is Courtney Dawn, Im 5'3 and have dark brown chocolate hair. The length of my hair is a fair bit past my shoulders, but im in the process of growing it out very long, I temporarily am wearing extensions! I have green eyes and I weigh 116 lbs. I dont have a whole lot of experiance in modeling, but I have done a bit when I was younger for acting agencys and catalogs. I have always loved modeling but I was too young to really be able to understand and commit to it! Now that I am 17, I have done my research and I know alot more about what the buisness involves. I have a few friends that have joined modeling and didnt think much of it, untill things really started to take off for them! I absolutely love photography and taking the best pictures I can of myself. Im very interested in meeting the right people and right connections to do the best I can with this! Im a hard worker, and I know how to dedicate my time to something I really love and want to achieve! Modeling is something I would eventually like to do as a career if all goes well, so Im looking forward to getting started! I heard about Model Mayhem from a good friend of mine, and Im hoping to meet the right people on here! This is something I have decided to get very serious about and make happen for myself! :)



06 Nov 14 12:53
Are you available for assignments/projects in your city/area? You fit magazine, print, youtube ad, workshop assignments/projects I'm doing..reply for details Jon
13 Sep 12 02:31
Welcome to iStudio.
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